Volunteer with Us
The McKenzie Watershed Council has been working over the past year to develop and host volunteer projects throughout the McKenzie Basin. The idea is to reach out to the public with interesting and worthwhile on-the-ground work that not only benefits the watershed but also establishes connections among the many individuals and the various groups doing good work up and down the valley.
To date, we have hosted volunteer work parties along Horse Creek and Blue River, Cartwright Creek in Marcola, at Lively Park in Springfield and Armitage Park in Eugene. The various work parties have done everything from planting native trees and shrubs to picking up trash, pulling invasive weeds and trail maintenance work.
Volunteers have come from a wide variety of groups including high school and middle school students, the UO Outdoor School, Boy Scouts, Mohawk Watershed Partnership, Mohawk Lions Club, the McKenzie Area Renewal Committee (MARC), McKenzie River Guides Association and local landowners.

Ways to Give
We rely on the support of people like you to provide the critical funding we need to provide meaningful and dynamic environmental education to the next generation of environmental stewards. We owe our successes to the generosity and commitment of our donors.

Each year we must raise $50,000 to run our local Salmon Watch program. This money is used for equipment, bus transportation for students, substitute teachers which allow teachers to accompany their students, coordination and operation expenses.
Your contribution to the McKenzie Watershed Alliance which serves as the fiscal agent for the McKenzie Watershed Council, and is a registered 501(c)3 organization, will allow us to continue providing high-quality environmental education to students.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Direct Donation
You can support us through a one-time donation, or a monthly contribution. Please click the “Donate” link to donate online. Or, checks may be written to the McKenzie Watershed Alliance and mailed to P.O. Box 70166, Springfield, OR 97475.
Shop Online
You can now help support our organization and activities just by shopping at Amazon! For eligible purchases made through AmazonSmile, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price to help support our organization. This is an easy way to help support our activities while purchasing things that you already intended to purchase.
Business Supporters
By signing on as a business supporter, you are investing in the abundant fish and wildlife, clean drinking water, and fertile lands that define our communities in western Oregon. Business supporters may donate directly or in-kind (equipment/supplies). The three sponsorship levels include Sockeye, Coho and Chinook levels.
Sockeye level supporter ($300-599)
Benefits:- Recognition on website
- Recognition as a trip sponsor with local school community
Coho level supporter ($600-1,000)
Benefits:- Recognition on website, social media and promotional media
- Recognition as a trip sponsor with local school community
- Window/Door decal identifying you as a Coho level supporter
Chinook level supporter ($1,000 +)
Benefits:- Recognition on website, social media and promotional media
- Window/Door decal identifying you as a Coho level supporter
- Framed certificate acknowledging your support
Help us thank our business supporters for valuing the education of the next generation of environmental stewards who will protect the streams, habitat and landscapes that make western Oregon a wonderful place to live and do business!
Planned Giving
A Gift for the Future
You care about western Oregon. By making a bequest to the McKenzie Watershed Council in your will, you can leave a legacy of environmental education and stewardship that will ensure clean water and protected wildlife habitat for future generations. Please help us ensure that the next generation cares as much as you do!
Tax Savings
When you plan to leave assets to a charitable organization you are making a bequest. Bequests are deductible from your gross estate and can offer estate tax savings. There is no limit on the amount you can leave to a charitable organization.
How to name us as a Beneficiary
Please use the following legal designation:
THE MCKENZIE WATERSHED ALLIANCE, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oregon, and with principal business address: PO BOX 70166, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97475. Our federal tax ID number is: 87-0690144
We would like to express our gratitude for your bequest. Please share your decision with us.