Firewood Program

The McKenzie Firewood Program is a free firewood program for local McKenzie community members in need. The Program was developed in 2021 as an offshoot of the Pure Water Partners (PWP)forest fuels reduction work with landowners in the Holiday Farm Fire burn area Inspired by similar programs in Wallowa and Jackson Counties, this program fills an unmet need in the community through assistance with home heating. Over 640 cords of wood have been distributed since 2021.

The firewood is available for McKenzie Valley residents living on the McKenzie Highway between McKenzie Bridge and Cedar Flat  are unable to afford firewood, or have a physical barrier preventing them from acquiring firewood (and are unable to afford buying wood) and those who were who were directly impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire (lost home, firewood, firewood equipment, significant financial impacts).

Firewood distribution occurs once per month throughout the heating season. Due to capacity constraints, we are unable to accommodate additional pickups/deliveries outside of designated pickup and delivery dates. 

Questions? Please contact us at or 541-520-9473

We are now accepting submissions for the 2024-2025 heating season. 

Residents in need of firewood can click the link below and fill out a questionnaire to determine eligibility. A McKenzie Watershed staff member will reach out following your submission

Click Here to Fill Out the Firewood Program Eligibility Form.


Program Partners:

Direct funding has been provided by International Paper, Weyerhaeuser, the Roundhouse Foundation, McKenzie Valley Long Term Recovery Group, and donations from the community.

Donate to the Firewood Program

If you are interested in supporting the Firewood program, please consider making a one-time donation, or a monthly contribution. These funds directly support operational costs of the program. Please click the donate button below to donate online via Paypal. Please specify in the notes section that your donation is for the McKenzie Firewood Program. Checks may also be written to the McKenzie Watershed Alliance and mailed to P.O. Box 70166, Springfield, OR 97475. Please specify on the check that
your donation is for the McKenzie Firewood Program. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.