McKenzie River Cleanup 2024

Saturday, September 28th, 2024

This year’s cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, September 28th. Please help make this the great event it has always been: an annual partnership in renewing and preserving the beauty of the McKenzie. Clean up will take place from 9am-12pm followed by a BBQ at Hendricks Bridge County Park from 12-2 pm. Cleanup supplies (Trash bags, trash grabbers, gloves) can be picked up on the day of the event or at the McKenzie Watershed Council office (175 W B St, Suite D, Springfield, OR) on the days leading up to the event. 

Below are the river segments for which volunteers are needed. To sign up for a route, please email 

Boat Routes

1. Bruckart to Finn Rock: Reserved, L. Helfrich
2. Finn Rock to Silver Creek: Reserved, L. Helfrich
3. Silver Creek to Rennie: Available
4. Rennie to Helfrich: Available
5. Helfrich to Leaburg Lake: Available
6. Leaburg Dam to Greenwood: Available
7. Greenwood to Leaburg: Available
8. Leaburg Boat Ramp to Deerhorn Park: Available
9. Deerhorn Park to Taylor Landing (Southside of River): Available
10. Deerhorn Park to Taylor Landing (Northside of River): Available
11. Taylor Landing to Hendricks Park (Northside of River): Available
12. Taylor Landing to Hendricks Park (Southside of River) : Available
13. Hendricks Park to Bellinger (Northside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
14. Hendricks Park to Bellinger (Southside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
15. Bellinger to Hayden Bridge (Northside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
16. Bellinger to Hayden Bridge (Southside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
17. Hayden Bridge to Harvest Lane (Northside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
18. Hayden Bridge to Harvest Lane (Southside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
19. Harvest Lane to Armitage Park (Northside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers
20. Harvest Lane to Armitage Park (Southside): Reserved, McKenzie Flyfishers

Land Areas

1. North side of river across from Finn Rock Landing: Available
2. Silver Creek Boat Launch: Available
3. Goodpasture Road and viewpoint below Marten Rapids: Reserved, M. McDowell

4. Goodpasture Boat Landing: Reserved, M. Sooh

5. Waterboard Park-Leaburg Lakeshore: Available

6. Leaburg Lake picnic area and boat launch: Available

7. Leaburg Dam to Whitewater Ranch (South side of River): Reserved, K. Chase
8. Leaburg Dam downstream 300 yards (North side of River): Available
9. Leaburg Dam upstream to Ike’s (North side of River): Available
10. Leaburg Power House vicinity: Available
11. Greenwood Boat Launch: Reserved, D. Burwell
12. Deerhorn County Park: C. Gearing
13. Taylor Landing: Reserved, D. Burwell
14. Deerhorn Road (Pullouts along road): Available
15. Hendricks Bridge Park: Available
16. Bellinger and Hayden Bridge Boat Launches and vicinities: Available
17. Harvest Landing: Available 
18. Deadmonds Ferry:  Reserved, McKenzie View Neighbors
19. Area behind Riverbend Hospital: Available
20. McKenzie View Drive: Reserved, McKenzie View Neighbors
21. Armitage Park: Reserved, McKenzie View Neighbors
22. Hayden Bridge: Reserved, M. Key
23. Ben and Kay Dorris Park: Reserved, L. Colley