Inaugural Salmon Celebration Success!

We enjoyed the picture perfect late summer weather for the Inaugural Salmon Celebration held on Saturday, September 20th. Almost 170 people came out to celebrate the return of salmon to our local rivers and streams! Several Spring Chinook splashed their way up the fish ladder into the creek before giving visitors a demonstration of spawning behavior, kids and adults learned about macroinvertebrates through hands-on identification, and young and old alike enjoyed storytelling, poetry reading, gyotaku fish printing and hatchery tours.

We’d like to thank all of the staff at the McKenzie Hatchery, and all our dedicated volunteers for helping us make the inaugural Salmon Celebration a huge success. We can’t wait until next year’s event, which will be even better.


Read about the Salmon Celebration in the latest issue of McKenzie River Reflections!
This week’s edition of McKenzie River Reflections – Volume 37, Issue 5, Thursday, September 25, 2014. #McKenzieRiver