June 2017 Council Meeting Agenda



 June 8, 2017

McKenzie Fire & Rescue

42870 McKenzie Highway


 1. INTRODUCTIONS AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                         5:00 – 5:05

Kurt Cox, Facilitator
Action Requested: Approve agenda.

2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SESSION             5:05 – 5:15

 The Council invites public comment on any watershed issue related to its mission. The time limit for comments is three minutes. If you wish to make a comment, please complete a public comment card and provide it to staff before the session. The Council’s adopted public comment procedures are on the reverse side of this agenda.

 3. STUDENT PRESENTATIONS                                                                                                             5:15 – 6:00

McKenzie High School WATERS team presentation on Upper McKenzie River water quality testing, and two Springfield Public Schools independent study presentations on Mill Race water quality and Middle McKenzie Side Channel Enhancement Project large wood placement.

4. PARTNER ANNOUNCEMENTS             6:00 – 6:20

5. STAFF REPORTS             6:20 – 6:40

6. MAY 2017 MEETING MINUTES 6:40 – 6:45

       Action Requested: Approve minutes. (Attachment)

7. SCHEDULE SUMMER TOUR              6:45 – 7:00


Next Meeting: September 14, Weyerhaeuser, paired watershed studies

 Contact: Larry Six, 458-201-8150, coordinator@mckenziewc.org, www.mckenziewc.org