November 9, 2017
McKenzie Fire & Rescue
42870 McKenzie Highway
- Introductions and Approval of Agenda 5:00 – 5:05
Ralph Perkins, Facilitator
Action Requested: Approve agenda.
- General Public Comment Section 5:05 – 5:15
The Council invites public comment on any watershed issue related to its mission. The time limit for comments is three minutes. If you wish to make a comment, please complete a public comment card and provide it to staff before the session. The Council’s adopted public comment procedures are on the reverse side of this agenda.
- Lower South Fork McKenzie River Floodplain Enhancement Project 5:15 – 6:15
Kate Meyer and Johan Hogervorst (USFS), Jared Weybright (MWC)
The project will restore dynamic fluvial processes and improve ecological function by “re-setting” channel and floodplain elevations for full floodplain connectivity and augmenting large wood throughout the lower the South Fork McKenzie River downstream of Cougar Dam though a multi-phased approach.. Presenters will provide; 1) background on the restoration approach and philosophy, 2) initial results from a similar but smaller scale project (Deer Creek) and 3) an overview of project design, planning, funding and timeline.
- October 12, Council Retreat Meeting Minutes 6:25 – 6:30 Action Requested: Approve minutes. (Attachment)
- Resident Partner application from Lara Colley 6:30 – 6:40
Action Requested: Consider appointment
- Partner Announcements 6:40 – 7:00
Information only
- Staff Reports 7:00 – 7:05
Information only
Next Meeting:
- Date: December 14, 2017
- Time: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
- Location: Weyerhaeuser Co. office 785 N42nd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 (east entrance).
- Presentation: Pits, Politics, and People: Understanding the Willamette Valley’s Aggregate Mining Industry and the Role of Enhancement Reclamation in the West. Libby Morrison, Environmental Specialist Wildish Co.